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Gifting Your Partner with a Snoring Solution for Valentine’s Day

January 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sleepbetterteam @ 2:52 pm
Close-up of an oral appliance for sleep apnea

Many people default to giving their partners boxes of chocolate for Valentine’s Day, but there are other ways to express your feelings as well. For example, if your partner has been suffering from chronic snoring lately, helping them find a solution that results in more peaceful nights for both of you can be a great gift. Below is a brief look at what could be causing your partner’s snoring and how you can help them treat it.

What is the Root Cause of Your Partner’s Snoring?

Snoring often occurs when the airways become partially blocked by the soft tissues in the throat. As the person breathes throughout the night, air passes by the relaxed tissues and causes them to vibrate, resulting in a harsh sound that can potentially disturb anyone who is trying to sleep nearby.

In many cases, snoring is a side effect of a dangerous sleep disorder called sleep apnea. People with this condition often experience pauses in their breathing while they slumber. Each pause can cause them to wake up briefly, affecting the quality of their sleep. Individuals with untreated sleep apnea often feel exhausted during the day, and they may have trouble focusing or suffer from mood swings. In the long term, sleep apnea can even increase a person’s risk for heart attacks.

How Can You Help Your Partner Find Relief From Snoring?

If you think your partner’s snoring may be a result of sleep apnea, you can help them make the necessary arrangements to have the disorder diagnosed by an expert. Then, once the problem has been identified, you can help them get the care they need in the form of a personalized snoreguard.

What exactly is a snoreguard? Simply put, it is an oral appliance that is meant to be worn while the patient is asleep. It moves the jaw forward a little bit, which can go a long way toward preventing airway obstructions. This helps put a stop to the snoring, allowing you and your partner to get a better night’s rest again. The snoreguard will also help your partner manage their other sleep apnea symptoms.

Everyone deserves a good night’s rest, and that goes especially for those closest to you. Talk to your partner about reaching out to a sleep dentist to see if they can offer an answer to the chronic snoring that has been plaguing both of you.

About the Author

Dr. Jay A. Nelson is the dental director of a facility that has been fully accredited by the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. He has completed more than 500 continuing education hours focused on dental sleep medicine. His Wesley Chapel practice, Nelson Dental Sleep Medicine, provides snoreguards for treating snoring and sleep apnea. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Nelson, visit his website or call (813) 733-4169.

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